Legislative Committee

Committee Chair
Welcome to the Legislative Committee!
The Legisilative Committee of the Arizona Society of Civil Engineers’ goal is to bridge the gap between Engineers and Politics. As civil engineers you are constantly called upon to provide solutions to enhance the public’s quality of life. With such a responsibility placed on us, it is easy to forget about the government’s role within our profession. In order to protect our profession and insure that our voices are heard, we must increase our policy awareness and involvement. While many people (including some of us) recognize the need to become involved in public policy issues, those same people may disregard the thought of dealing with politicians. Politicians seem larger than life and are often perceived as inaccessible or we do not feel that it is worth our time. So we let others shape the policies that impact our Quality of Life.
Engineering is a tangible process wherein engineers use their skills to design, construct and operate entities that directly improve the public’s quality of life. Engineers can actually see the concrete results of their work. “Government-relations” are not so clear-cut and the process is prejudiced by many variables. Formulating sound public policy very much depends on people who have knowledge of the political system.
Most state legislatures are comprised of attorneys, businesspeople, real estate and insurance brokers and educators, among others. There are only a handful of engineers serving in public office nationwide. In most states, your issues’ fate is in the hands of people who know little about engineering and the type of work you do. This alone should motivate civil engineers to get more involved. Now is the time to set aside those old concepts of government relations and become advocates for our profession. No one else is going to do it for you!
If you are interested in getting involved and advocate for our profession, please contact me at AzSCE Legislative Chair for more information. Your level of involvement can be as simple as staying apprised of the political arena around you to being fully involved in the political process as a helper, promoter, or even a Politician…
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Arizona Infrastructure Report Card