About Us
ASCE Arizona Section
The Arizona Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is a non-profit professional organization representing over 1,900 Civil Engineers and civil engineering students throughout Arizona. Established in 1925, ASCE Arizona consists of four Branches; Phoenix, Southern Arizona, Northern Arizona and Yuma, three Younger Member Forums for engineers under the age of 35 years, Technical Committees, Program Committees, and three Student Chapters at the University of Arizona, Arizona State University and Northern Arizona. ASCE Arizona resides in Region 8 along with Alaska, Columbia, Hawaii, Inland Empire, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Seattle, Southern Idaho, Tacoma-Olympia, Utah, the Western Canadian areas of Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon, and the Northwest Territories.
The section provides its membership with professional and technical opportunities to advance the science and profession of civil engineering. Our organization provides programs and opportunities for the community, educators and students to learn about the Civil Engineering profession.

“The Arizona Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) will lead the Civil Engineering community in Arizona by advancing the profession through membership involvement and public outreach, and by promoting sound public policy through awareness and understanding.”
Join us in our Mission!

- Encourage industry and individual participation in ASCE membership and activities.
- Promote diversity and inclusion in our profession.
- Identify, promote and support K-12 outreach STEM programs.
- Foster relationships with policy makers and other engineering organizations to provide resources to make educated decisions that affect the safety and welfare of the public.
- Serve ASCE Arizona Section constituents by encouraging collaboration, transferring of knowledge and sharing ASCE Resources through branches, institutes, younger member groups, and student chapters.